Matcha: A Reimagination of the Dating App Experience

The Matcha Adventure:

Embarking on the journey of building Matcha, a full-stack dating app, as a dev student at 42 School / Hive Helsinki, I had the unique opportunity to learn new technologies and collaborate in a two-person team. The experience challenged me to grow not only as a developer but also as a team player, providing invaluable insights into the world of web development. This blog post aims to share the key takeaways from the Matcha project, hoping to inspire and guide fellow students on their own development adventures.

Setting Clear Goals and Embracing Collaboration:

Working on Matcha highlighted the importance of setting clear project goals and dividing tasks according to individual strengths. This approach allowed for effective teamwork, while regular communication and check-ins ensured a smooth development process. We learned the value of collaboration in problem-solving, leading to a better final product and the opportunity to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Mastering Full-Stack Technologies:

The Matcha project provided an excellent opportunity to explore full-stack technologies. I delved into Node.js for backend development, discovering its non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture. On the frontend, I learned about React's component-based approach, state management, and routing. In addition, I gained experience with PostgreSQL for database management and learned the importance of schema design, indexing, and efficient querying.

Exploring UI/UX Design and Real-time Communication:

Matcha's development emphasized user experience and design, pushing me to create a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate interface using UI libraries like Material-UI. Furthermore, implementing real-time communication using WebSockets and Socket.IO enhanced the app's functionality and user experience.

Ensuring Security and Version Control:

The sensitive nature of user data in Matcha necessitated a focus on security and data protection. I learned about secure authentication using OAuth and JWT, hashing passwords, and protecting user data from vulnerabilities. Additionally, working in a team environment underscored the importance of version control and code reviews. We used Git and GitHub to manage our codebase, track progress, and collaborate effectively.

Overcoming Challenges and Growing as a Developer:

The development process of Matcha was filled with challenges that tested my problem-solving skills and perseverance. Each hurdle provided an opportunity to learn and grow. The project not only taught me technical skills but also the importance of collaboration, communication, and adaptability.


Building Matcha as a dev student at 42 School / Hive Helsinki has been an enriching and transformative experience. The journey allowed me to hone my skills, explore new technologies, and understand the significance of teamwork in the software development process. By sharing these experiences, I hope to inspire and guide fellow students as they embark on their own development adventures. The future holds endless possibilities, and I'm eager to continue learning and growing as a developer.